Roguelands 하위 문서 | |||
캐릭터 | |||
종족 | 스테이터스 | 유니폼 | 외형 |
함선 | |||
컴뱃 칩 | 알케미 스테이션 | 기어 포지 | NPC |
행성 | |||
행성 | 보스 | 몬스터 | NPC |
아이템 | |||
장비 | 자원 | 울티메이트 | 모드 |
1. 울티메이트 무기
1.1. 검
필요 아이템 | 프리즘 | 울티메이트 | 능력치 | 특수능력 | 참고 | ||
Aetherblade |
AetherlitePrism |
Magemasher |
1 | 1 | - | 전투모드에 들어가면 토템이 소환되어 모든 검, 랜스 사용자가 커서방향으로 투사체를 발사합니다. 투사체는 관통되며 1초간 지속되고 FTH/2만큼의 피해를 입힙니다. 전투모드를 종료하면 토템이 사라집니다. | Final Fantasy |
2 | - | 2 | |||||
DarkenedPrism |
FracturedSoul |
1 | 1 | 2 |
건틀렛 형식의 발사체를 발사합니다. 발사체는 관통되며 1.5초동안 제자리에 멈춰있다가 0.5초만에 표적에게 날아갑니다.
발사체 피해량 : MAG+FTH
Guild Wars 2 - Crystal Guardian | |
3 | - | - | |||||
OmegaPrism |
Arcwind |
2 | 2 | - | 피해량 : STR+DEX | Fire Emblem | |
2 | - | - | |||||
BoltEdge |
AetherlitePrism |
Trigoddess |
- | 1 | 2 |
아무방향으로 파이어볼 3개를 날립니다. 파이어볼 피해량 : MAG/3 |
- |
3 | - | - | |||||
DarkenedPrism |
Flamberge |
- | 1 | 1 |
이동속도가 엄청나게 빨라집니다. 피해량 : STR+TEC |
- | |
2 | 2 | - | |||||
OmegaPrism |
Key of Hearts |
- | 1 | 3 | 칼을 휘두를 때마다 Blaze와 Shock 중 하나가 무작위로 발동합니다. 마나는 소모하지 않습니다. | Kingdom Hearts - Keyblade | |
2 | - | - | |||||
Colossus |
AetherlitePrism |
Excalibur |
1 | - | - |
체력이 가득 차있을때 자신의 앞에 수직기둥이 내리칩니다. 수직기둥은 FTH만큼 피해를 입힙니다. |
Guild Wars 2 - Sunrise |
3 | - | 2 | |||||
DarkenedPrism |
Zweihander |
1 | - | 2 |
사거리가 늘어납니다. 피해량 : STR+MAG/2 |
Guild Wars 2 -Twilight (Magicite - Zweihander) | |
3 | - | - | |||||
OmegaPrism |
Heaven's Cloud |
3 | - | - | 사거리, 점프높이, 치명타 피해량이 증가합니다. 공중에서 공격하면 빠르게 아래로 떨어집니다. | Final Fantasy - Buster Sword | |
3 | - | - |
1.2. 랜스
필요 아이템 | 프리즘 | 울티메이트 | 능력치 | 특수능력 | 참고 | ||
Aetherlance |
AetherlitePrism |
Galaxy Lance |
2 | 2 | - | 전투모드에 들어가면 받는 피해를 감소시킵니다. 피해는 1 ~ DEX/2, 최대 15만큼 무작위로 감소됩니다. | - |
3 | - | - | |||||
DarkenedPrism |
World's End |
2 | 2 | - |
이동속도가 감소됩니다. 피해량 : STR+DEX*2 |
- | |
3 | - | - | |||||
OmegaPrism |
EmblemFates |
2 | 2 | - |
매우 빠른 속도로 돌진합니다. 피해량 : STR+DEX |
Fire Emblem | |
3 | - | - |
1.3. 총
필요 아이템 | 프리즘 | 울티메이트 | 능력치 | 특수능력 | 참고 | ||
AetherlitePrism |
DarkenedPrism |
OmegaPrism |
1.4. 캐논
필요 아이템 | 프리즘 | 울티메이트 | 능력치 | 특수능력 | 참고 | ||
AetherlitePrism |
DarkenedPrism |
OmegaPrism |
1.5. 건틀렛
필요 아이템 | 프리즘 | 울티메이트 | 능력치 | 특수능력 | 참고 | ||
AetherlitePrism |
DarkenedPrism |
OmegaPrism |
1.6. 스테프
필요 아이템 | 프리즘 | 울티메이트 | 능력치 | 특수능력 | 참고 | ||
AetherlitePrism |
DarkenedPrism |
OmegaPrism |
2. 울티메이트 장비
2.1. 방패
2.2. 투구
2.3. 갑옷
2.4. 드로이드
- Colossus
AethelitePrism Excalibur Excalibur
Statbox Pixel 1 3 2
At full health, emits a vertical pillar of light in front of the sword that scales with FTH. Guild Wars 2 -
DarkenedPrism Zweihander Zweihander
Statbox Pixel 1 2 3
Increased length. Damage: STR + MAG/2 Guild Wars 2 -
(Magicite - Zweihander)
OmegaPrism Heaven's Cloud Heavens cloud
Statbox Pixel 3 3
Increased length, bonus jump height(10), bonus critdmg(10). And attacking in the air makes you lunge downwards. Final Fantasy -
Buster Sword
AethelitePrism Death Exalted Death exalted
Statbox Pixel 1 2 2 2
Deals 3 x number of missing mana points as bonus damage.
DarkenedPrism Dark Messenger Dark messenger
Statbox Pixel 1 2 3
Decreased fall speed. Shoot projectiles on attack scaling with MAG, granting wings and knocking back the user.
OmegaPrism Ruin Ruin
Statbox Pixel 2 2 3
While in combat mode, damage taken is reduced by a random number between 1 and your MAG/4, capped at 15.
Gadget saber
Gadget Saber
AethelitePrism Claymore Claymore
Statbox Pixel 3 3
Increased length. Damage: STR + TEC/2
DarkenedPrism Forgeblade Forgeblade
Statbox Pixel 1 2 3
When crafting gear while this weapon is equipped, increase chance of crafting higher tiers by 7%.
OmegaPrism Lost Voice Lost voice
Statbox Pixel 2 3 1
On attack, shoot a series of two gauntlet-style projectiles. Projectiles pierce without knockback, last for 1 second, and deal TEC/2 damage. Transistor -
The Transistor
AethelitePrism Valflame Valflame
Statbox Pixel 1 1 3 1
Automatically shoots a projectile upwards from mouse cursor every second, scaling with MAG/2. Fire Emblem
DarkenedPrism Helswrath Helswath
Statbox Pixel 3 3
Damage: STR + VIT Fire Emblem
OmegaPrism Awakened Force Awakened force
Statbox Pixel 2 2 2 2 2
Knocks back any enemy capable of being knocked back. Damage: STR + DEX/2 Star Wars: Ep 7 -
Cross guard Lightsaber
Base item Prism Ultimate Image Base Stats Ability Reference
AethelitePrism Galaxy Lance
Galaxy Lance
Statbox Pixel 2 2 3
While in combat mode, damage is reduced by a random number between 1 and your DEX/4, capped at 15. Damage: STR + DEX/2
DarkenedPrism World's End
Worlds End
Statbox Pixel 2 2 3
Movement is reduced by 5. Damage: STR + DEX*2
OmegaPrism Emblem Fates
Emblem Fates
Statbox Pixel 2 2 3
Attack makes you dash forward really fast. Damage: STR + DEX Fire Emblem
AethelitePrism Doombringer
Statbox Pixel 3 2 2 2
You take 1 damage every 2 seconds while in combat. Shoot a projectile on attack that deals (STR+DEX+FTH)/2 damage.
DarkenedPrism Darkforce
Statbox Pixel 3 2 3
Bonus damage = 4 x number of missing HP points. You do not charge forward on standing ground attacks.
OmegaPrism World Reborn
World Reborn
Statbox Pixel 3 2 2 2
Damage: STR + FTH/2 + DEX/2
The Highwind
The Highwind
AethelitePrism King's Lance
Kings Lance
Statbox Pixel 2 3 3
Shoots projectiles that are TEC, shoots a small sword that scales off of tech. Basically a lance with a little bit of range.
DarkenedPrism Gungnir
Statbox Pixel 2 3 3
Bonus movement speed, 10% increase to crit chance. Damage: STR + MAG/2
Odin's Spear-
Norse For "Swaying One"
OmegaPrism Spirit Lance
Spirit Lance
Statbox Pixel 2 3 3
Jumping/dashing causes spin even in combat mode. Damage while aerial: STR*2 + FTH Thomas Hart's Spirit Lance - Final Fantasy X
Gallatrias Spire
Gallatria's Spire
AethelitePrism Firestorm
Statbox Pixel 2 2 3 2
On attack, shoot a fire sword projectile scaling with MAG.
DarkenedPrism Heartseeker
Statbox Pixel 2 3 2 2
Extra 20% crit chance, extra +0.5x towards crit damage bonus. Damage: STR + VIT/2
OmegaPrism Longinus
Statbox Pixel 2 2 3 2
Heals 5 HP upon crit. Damage: STR + VIT/2 Spear of Longinus-
From the Evangelion series/movies
AethelitePrism Stormbringer
Statbox Pixel 5 2
Attack fires a beam of lightning for 7 mana, scaling with MAG.
DarkenedPrism Devilsbane
Statbox Pixel 2 2 4
On attack, shoot two projectiles scaling with MAG/2.
OmegaPrism Rampart Golem
Rampart Golem
Statbox Pixel 3 3 2
Damage when mana is full: STR + MAG + FTH
Rampart Golem Lance - From Dark Souls 2 (Crown of the Ivory King)
Cains Lance
Cain's Lance
AethelitePrism Dragon Whisker
Dragon Whisker
Statbox Pixel 2 3 3 2
Improved dash. Damage: STR + DEX/2 Dragon Whisker -
Final Fantasy
DarkenedPrism Vengeful Spirit
Vengeful Spirit
Statbox Pixel 3 2 3 2
Regain all mana on crit. Damage: STR + DEX/2
OmegaPrism Dragoon Lance
Dragoon Lance
Statbox Pixel 3 3 3
Drains mana while active. Damage: STR + DEX*2. Damage when mana is above 10: STR + DEX*3 Dragoon's Lance - Final Fantasy
Aethergun Mk.IV
Aethergun MK.IV
AethelitePrism Star Destroyer
Star Destroyer
Statbox Pixel 1 2 2 2
Piercing shot. Damage: DEX + TEC/2
DarkenedPrism Quicksilver
Statbox Pixel 4 2
Spawns a turret at mouse location that fires 3 times, scaling with TEC/3.
OmegaPrism Repeater
Statbox Pixel 1 2 3
Piercing shot. Constantly shoots additional piercing projectiles scaling with TEC.
AethelitePrism Magma
Statbox Pixel 2 2 3
Piercing shot. Constantly emits fire that scales with MAG. Spawns a turret at mouse location that fires 3 times, scaling with MAG/2.
DarkenedPrism Chaingun
Statbox Pixel 2 2 2 2
Piercing shot. While in combat mode, chainsaw damages for STR*2 on contact.
OmegaPrism Oblivion
Statbox Pixel 4 2
+0.5x to crit damage multiplier. Damage: DEX + TEC
AethelitePrism Avalanche
Statbox Pixel 2 1 4
Piercing, extra-large shot. Damage: DEX + MAG/2
DarkenedPrism Atma Weapon
Statbox Pixel 3 1 3
Attack fires a horizontal beam for 7 mana, scaling with MAG. Final Fantasy 3 (VI)
OmegaPrism Coldsnap
Statbox Pixel 1 2 4
Unsure (Tec could be Magic)
Attack spawns an extra projectile at mouse cursor, scaling with MAG/2. Damage: DEX + MAG/2
AethelitePrism Sirius
Statbox Pixel 2 2 4
Continuously drains stamina. Every 2nd shot shoots an additional projectile. Damage: DEX + TEC
DarkenedPrism Sonicsteel
Statbox Pixel 2 3 3
Increased movement speed. Slow, long-lasting projectiles; can continuously push back some monsters.
OmegaPrism Death Penalty
Statbox Pixel 4 2 1
10% increased crit chance, +0.5x crit damage multiplier. Damage: DEX + VIT/2
AethelitePrism Fomalhaut
Statbox Pixel 3 2 3
Piercing shot. Rapidly recovers mana. Deals bonus damage equal to current mana. Fomalhaut - Final Fantasy XII
DarkenedPrism Cataclysm
Statbox Pixel 4 2
Increased range. Cannot regen HP from mods or VIT stat. Damage: DEX*2
OmegaPrism Betrayer
Statbox Pixel 1 2 4
Increased range and shot speed. Damage: DEX + TEC/2
Golden Eye
Golden Eye
AethelitePrism Golden suns
Statbox Pixel 3 2 3
Piercing shot. Increased range and hitbox. Damage: DEX + FTH/2
DarkenedPrism Cerberus
Statbox Pixel 3 3
Piercing shot, with knockback. Unable to deal critical hits. Fires 3 shots that scale with TEC/2.
OmegaPrism Poopmaker
Poopmaker V1.3 skin
Statbox Pixel 3 3 2
Damage: DEX + MAG/2 + 4 x missing HP
Base item Prism Ultimate Image Base Stats Ability Reference
AethelitePrism Commando
Commando - 1
Statbox Pixel 2 3 2
Damage: DEX + VIT
DarkenedPrism Hypercannon
Hypercannon - 2
Statbox Pixel 2 3 2
Piercing shot. Shoots a long, horizontal projectile with increased shot speed. Damage: DEX + VIT/2
OmegaPrism Missile RPG
Missile RPG - 3
Statbox Pixel 2 3 2
Piercing shot. Shoots 3 horizontal projectiles. Damage: DEX/2 + TEC/2
Typhoon IX
Typhoon IX
AethelitePrism Vorpal RPG
Vorpal RPG - 4
Statbox Pixel 3 3
Piercing shot. Increased range. Shoots a vertical spread of 3 parallel projectiles. Damage: DEX/2 + MAG/2
DarkenedPrism The Dominator
The Dominator - 5
Statbox Pixel 3 3
Increased range. Damage: DEX + MAG Psycho Pass -The Dominator
OmegaPrism The Zapper
The Zapper-0
Statbox Pixel 3 3
Piercing shot. Reduced shot speed. Damage: DEX + MAG/2
Auto Rifle
Auto Rifle
AethelitePrism Stormcannon
Stormcannon - 7
Statbox Pixel 3 3 2
Entering combat mode reduces mana to 0. Damage: DEX + VIT + TEC
DarkenedPrism The Machine
The Machine - 8
Statbox Pixel 3 3 2
Shoots 3 projectiles in a row. Damage: DEX + STR/2 for first projectile, DEX for the next two.
OmegaPrism Volt Sniper
Volt Sniper - 9
Statbox Pixel 3 2 2 2
High projectile speed, very long range. Damage: DEX + STR
Viking XXVII
Viking XXVII
AethelitePrism War-Forged Gun
War Forged Gun - 10
Statbox Pixel 2 3 3
Piercing shot. Summon a turret whenever you use any combat chip. Damage: DEX + TEC/2 + VIT/2
DarkenedPrism Carbine
Carbine - 11
Statbox Pixel 2 3 3
Piercing shot. Attack fires a wide, high-damage shot for 7 stamina. Damage: DEX + VIT + MAG
OmegaPrism Gadget RPG
Gadget RPG - 12
Statbox Pixel 2 3 3
Attack has a 1/3 chance to spawn turret, 2/3 chance to shoot plasma grenade.
AethelitePrism Tropic Thunder
Tropic Thunder - 13
Statbox Pixel 3 3 2
Piercing shot. Reduced projectile speed. Damage: DEX + TEC/2 scaling Tropic Thunder
DarkenedPrism Hand Cannon
Handcannon - 14
Statbox Pixel 3 3 2
+10% crit chance, +0.5x to crit damage multiplier. Damage: DEX + FTH/2
OmegaPrism Flak Cannon
Flak Cannon - 15
Statbox Pixel 3 3 2
Piercing shot. Constantly shoots additional projectiles scaling with TEC. Damage: DEX + VIT/2
The Wyvern
The Wyvern
AethelitePrism Dragon Cannon
Dragon Cannon - 16
Statbox Pixel 2 3 3
Reduced fall speed. Shoots 2 projectiles at an angle. Damage: DEX + MAG/2
DarkenedPrism Flame Swathe
Flame Swathe - 17
Statbox Pixel 3 3 2
Piercing shot. Projectile follows your cursor and has increased range. Damage: DEX + MAG/2
OmegaPrism Wyvern Bone
Wyvern Bone - 18
Statbox Pixel 3 3 2
While in combat mode, HP is set to 1. No healing in combat from regen, potions and combat chips. Damage: 1200 (flat)
Base item Prism Ultimate Image Base Stats Ability Reference
Mage Gauntlet
Mage Gauntlet
AethelitePrism Mystic Arrow
Mystic Arrow - 1-0
Statbox Pixel 2 2 3
Piercing shot. Projectiles spawn at a random nearby point and only move horizontally; cannot be guided by cursor position. Damage: MAG + FTH
DarkenedPrism Elementalizer
Elementalizer - 2
Statbox Pixel 2 2 2
Piercing shot. Shoots 2 projectiles. Damage: MAG + VIT/2
OmegaPrism Flareblade
Flareblade - 3
Statbox Pixel 2 2 3
Piercing shot. Massive hitbox. Damage: MAG + FTH/2
Soul Reaver
Soul Reaver
AethelitePrism Ice Wall
Ice Whip (2)-0
Statbox Pixel 1 3 3
Piercing shot, with knockback.
DarkenedPrism Wrath Aura
Wrath Aura - 5
Statbox Pixel 1 3 3
Constantly drains mana. Shoots an additional projectile every couple seconds. Damage: MAG*2
OmegaPrism Nether Torrent
Nether Torrent - 6
Statbox Pixel 1 2 3
Piercing shot. Projectile spawns at mouse cursor and only moves upwards Damage: MAG + DEX/2
Flame Lash
Flame Lash
AethelitePrism Bolganone
Statbox Pixel 3 2 3
+25% crit rate, projectiles only travel horizontally. Damage: MAG + FTH/2
Fire Emblem
DarkenedPrism Caius' Pyre
Caius' Pyre
Statbox Pixel 3 4 1
Spawns a flame turret at mouse location. Damage: MAG + TEC/2 Fire Emblem
OmegaPrism Elfire
Statbox Pixel 3 2 3
Piercing shot. Heal 2 HP upon crit (no hit needed). Healing can restore HP above one's current max, but not above the absolute max (100 or 125). Fire Emblem
Wolt's Thunder
Wolt's Thunder
AethelitePrism Gafgard's Maelstrom
Gafgard's Maelstorm
Statbox Pixel 1 3 3
Increased dash and jump speeds. Damage: MAG + DEX
DarkenedPrism Maalurk Totem
Maalurk Totem
Statbox Pixel 1 2 3 2
Costs 3 mana per shot. Projectiles only move horizontally. Damage: MAG + DEX + TEC
OmegaPrism Monk Gauntlet
Monk Gauntlet
Statbox Pixel 1 4 3
Reduced projectile speed. Damage: MAG + STR
Gaia's Gale
Gaia's Gale
AethelitePrism Tornado
Statbox Pixel 3 3 3
Piercing shot. Fires large tornadoes that only move horizontally. Damage: MAG + FTH/2
DarkenedPrism Airsplitter
Airsplitter icon
Statbox Pixel 1 3 4
Fires three projectiles, but CANNOT crit. Damage: MAG + STR/2
OmegaPrism Gruu's Talisman
Gruu's Talisman
Statbox Pixel 3 3 3
Costs 5 mana per attack. Damage: MAG + TEC + VIT
AethelitePrism Destruction Wave
Descruction Wave
Statbox Pixel 2 3 3
Piercing shot, only moves horizontally. Increased hitbox. Damage: MAG + DEX
DarkenedPrism Annihilation
Statbox Pixel 2 3 3
Fires 3 projectiles that only moves upwards. Damage: MAG + DEX/2
OmegaPrism Banana
Statbox Pixel 2 3 2
Increased jump/dash. HP is capped at 50. Damage: MAG*3
Base item Prism Ultimate Image Base Stats Ability Reference
AethelitePrism Twilight Staff
Twilight Staff
Statbox Pixel 2 2 2
Improved shot speed. Damage: FTH/4 + VIT/2
DarkenedPrism Enigma
Statbox Pixel 2 2 3
Costs 2 mana per shot, heals for 1 if it touches a player. Damage? FTH/4 + MAG/2
OmegaPrism Summoner's Staff
Summoners staff
Statbox Pixel 2 2 2
Increased shot speed and duration. Damage: FTH/4 Yuna's staff -
Final Fantasy X
AethelitePrism Armageddon
Statbox Pixel 2 2 2
Costs 5 mana per attack. Damage: FTH/4 + MAG/2 + TEC/2
DarkenedPrism Doomsayer
Statbox Pixel 2 2 3
Increased projectile speed. Damage: FTH/4 + MAG/2
OmegaPrism Merciless Gladiator
Merciless Gladiator
Statbox Pixel 3 2 3
Large, slow projectile. Damage: FTH/4 + STR/2 Merciless
Gladiator Staff -
World of Warcraft
AethelitePrism Bubblegum Staff
Bubblegum Staff
Statbox Pixel 2 3 2
Projectile causes players to bounce upwards upon collision. Damage: FTH/4 + VIT/2
DarkenedPrism Cherry Blossom
Cherry Blossom
Statbox Pixel 2 3 2
Heals 1 hp upon use and decreases all status percents by 10. Damage: FTH/4 + VIT/2
OmegaPrism The Whitemage
The Whitemage
Statbox Pixel 2 3 3
Damage: FTH/4. Damage if HP is 100: FTH/4 + MAG/2 + VIT/2 Final Fantasy
AethelitePrism Vinewhip
Statbox Pixel 2 4 2
Increased running speed. Damage: FTH/4 + TEC/2
DarkenedPrism Jungle King
Jungle King
Statbox Pixel 2 2 3
Increase Jump and hitbox. Damage: FTH/4 + TEC/2
OmegaPrism Sage's Staff
Sage's Staff
Statbox Pixel 2 2 3
Very fast projectile, lasts for 1.5 seconds. Costs 5 mana per use, but is still usable below 5 mana. Damage: FTH/4 + VIT
AethelitePrism Lightning Rod
Lightning Rod
Statbox Pixel 3 3
On attack, casts Shock at your cursor for 2 mana instead of shooting a projectile. Still usable below 2 mana. Damage: MAG
DarkenedPrism Caster Sword CasterSword
Statbox Pixel 1 3 3
Shoots two projectiles per cast. Always has 1x crit multiplier. Damage: FTH/4 + STR/2
OmegaPrism Seeker of Stars
Seeker of Stars
Statbox Pixel 3 3
Always Crits. Increased projectile speed. Damage: FTH/4 + MAG/4 Kingdom Hearts -
Star Seeker
AethelitePrism Maelstrom
Statbox Pixel 3 1 1 3
Massively increased hitbox. Costs 7 mana per attack. Damage: FTH/4 + VIT/2 + MAG/2
DarkenedPrism Darkness
Statbox Pixel 3 1 1 3
Increased projectile speed. Damage: FTH/4 + MAG2/ + Missing HP*7
OmegaPrism The Blackmage
The Blackmage
Statbox Pixel 3 1 1 3
Costs 5 mana per attack. Damage: FTH/4 + MAG/2 + VIT/2 Final Fantasy