최근 수정 시각 : 2022-01-08 20:28:17

틀:ΩDimension Phase 7

{{{#!wiki style="margin: 0 -10px;"
{{{#!folding [ 펼치기 · 접기 ]
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[ruby(神の試煉を超克せよ, ruby=신의 시련을 극복하라, color=#C6B62B)]
[ruby(大国主神★因幡之白兎, ruby=오쿠니누시노카미★이나바의 백토, color=#white)] [ruby(豊玉姫, ruby=도요타마히메, color=#white)]
星の透る夏空に願う Sudden Visitor
[ 4곡 해금 후 ]
[ 2곡 해금 후 ]
[ruby(闇御津羽神, ruby=쿠라미츠하노카미, color=#white)]
[ruby(天之御影命, ruby=아메노미카게노미코토, color=#white)] [ruby(天宇受賣命, ruby=아메노우즈메노미코토, color=#white)]
~Flame of the Rebellion~
Ghost Family
Living In Graveyard
Phase 7
[ruby(田道間守命, ruby=타지마모리노미코토, color=#white)] [ruby(摩利支天, ruby=마리지천, color=#white)]
petits fours ΩVERFLOW
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